#10 Unusual Ways To Burn Calories

Amidst such busy schedules and long working hours, most of us don’t get time to work out. As much as we want to, there are so many time constraints that it becomes nearly impossible. For healthy living, exercise is of utmost importance. It keeps your mind positive and makes the body feel amazing!

What matters is you burn the calories you consume – whether it is with a cardio workout, yoga, or a run. Many people prefer going to the gym and some wish to go to a dance class. So, what if you got hold of some incredible ways to lose weight without breaking a sweat?  Check out these 10 unusual ways to burn those calories and get back in shape today –

Don’t Underestimate Grocery Shopping

According to Tim Liu, a fitness and nutrition coach, “Grocery shopping is a non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) that accounts for up to 30 percent of daily calorie expenditure.”

When people go out grocery shopping, they burn so many calories walking for distances. This is such an everyday task that is undermined by us but is actually the most helpful one. One must walk to the grocery store, lift the bags and continue this regular exercise every day.