9 Ways to Build More Self-Esteem in Your Child

Having a good sense of self-worth is crucial to a child’s overall development. The resilience with which a child deals with disappointments, peer pressure, and other difficulties depends heavily on their social, behavioral, and emotional well-being.

One of the safeguards for sound mental health is a healthy sense of self-worth. Raising a child with a strong sense of self-worth helps them interact positively with others and provides a protective buffer against the negative effects of stress and difficult circumstances.

Some daily actions can have a lasting impact on your child’s sense of self-worth, and I’ve outlined some of them here.

Know What Healthy Self-Esteem Looks Like

Children’s self-perception, especially their confidence in their own abilities, is a key component of their self-esteem. It’s influenced by the amount of affection they feel and the amount of praise (or criticism) they receive from significant others, such as parents and teachers.

To be self-assured is not to place one’s own wants and desires above those of others or to believe that the world revolves around oneself. A similar point may be made about healthy self-esteem: it is not the same thing as conceit, narcissism, or entitlement. Make sure your kid has a healthy dose of other virtues like empathy, kindness, good manners, generosity, and thankfulness to complement his or her self-confidence.

Show Unconditional Love Every Day

Your children’s sense of security and belonging is fundamental to their sense of self, and knowing how much you love them is a great way to offer them that sensation. Your unconditiona love will pave the way for them to develop secure bonds with others in the future.

So give your kids a big bear embrace when you leave, curl up with them and read a book, and tell them you love them every day. The relationships your children create with family, friends, and teammates will strengthen as they get older because of the love you’ve shown them from the start.

Play Together and Have Fun

Playing with your kid is a great way to show them how much you enjoy their company and look forward to spending time with them. The simple act of having fun with your kid is beneficial in many ways.

Not only do children who engage in healthy play have a greater chance of being joyful and a lower risk of sadness and anxiety, but they also gain confidence in their abilities to be intriguing and amusing people who can build strong social bonds.

Give Your Child Responsibilities and Chores

Your child will develop a sense of responsibility and self-worth as they take on chores that are appropriate for their age. Tell them how much you value their efforts, even if their work isn’t perfect. Encourage them by pointing out their accomplishments and assuring them that they will continue to improve in many areas (including their household duties).

Giving children chores and responsibilities helps them feel like they have some say in their own lives. The confidence and fortitude gained from even minor responsibilities around the house can be invaluable in these uncertain times.

Encourage Independence

When children are in primary school, they quickly develop their own identities. Many youngsters begin to spend time alone at home, walk to school independently, and care for younger siblings by the time they reach middle school.

It’s crucial to give your children room to develop their independence, whether that means letting them find out how to approach teachers about issues, taking charge of their own homework, or preparing their own soccer clothes. Parental hovering, or “helicoptering,” has a negative effect on children’s independence and confidence. It deprives them of their freedom as well.

Refrain From Insulting Your Child

When your child does something that annoys or upsets you, it’s important to keep in mind that the behavior is not reflective of who they are as a person. You are human, therefore it’s understandable that your child’s behavior sometimes irritate or even anger you. It’s okay to feel this way, but refrain from calling your child names or berating him or her for having these thoughts.

Try treating your kid with some dignity instead. Speak normally. Leave feelings out of punishment.

Natural and logical consequences, as well as a kind, positive tone of voice, can help you achieve this goal with your child.

Make Setbacks Learning Experiences

Drive home the point that no one is flawless and that mistakes are part of being human. Instill in your child an attitude that mistakes are stepping stones to success.

When your child makes a mistake, try to remain calm and understanding. And if kids have a history of behavioral issues at school, you should do what you can to frame those challenges as learning opportunities. Your child’s self-esteem will soar as you demonstrate that failure can be overcome via positive action.

Watch Technology Use

Many people in today’s society, including students and their parents, are permanently tethered to electronic gadgets. People are able to text, post to social media, do business, complete schooling, and check email on the regular because of the widespread availability of mobile devices. During the pandemic, this was obviously more more crucial.

There are benefits and drawbacks to our constantly connected world. Technology’s a good thing since it allows people to do more work and keep in touch with others without having to leave their homes. However, spending too much time online might have negative consequences for family life.

Like inactivity, too much time in front of a screen can have negative effects on movement.

Discuss as a household which types of online engagement are essential vs optional. Then make a strategy to break up your daily screen time with things like walks, rides on bikes, reading, and playing games with one another.

Let Them Create and Show Off Work

Keep your kid’s artwork on display around the house. Encourage your child to share what he or she has accomplished in the classroom by asking about artwork, stories, and projects. The greatest way to get to know an artist is to inquire as to their favorite aspects of their work and the feelings they hope their audience would have after experiencing them.

Inspiring kids to work hard pays off when they get to flaunt their creations or talk about their processes. It shows that you value their input and perspective.