Is it Safe and Smart for My Child to Pursue a Career as a YouTuber?

Social media has transformed the way we consume online content, and the role models young children look up to. Instead of traditional careers such as becoming a doctor or a firefighter, many children now aspire to be content creators on TikTok or social media influencers, many of whom have become more famous than traditional celebrities like rock stars and NBA players.

YouTube, which launched in 2005, has become a widely recognized platform for online videos, with over 2 billion users. It’s known for vloggers (video bloggers) or YouTubers who create videos on a wide range of topics such as gaming, beauty, and music.

If your child expresses interest in creating their own YouTube videos, it’s important to teach them good digital habits. Learn about tools and resources that empower kids to create video content while staying safe online.

It is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of allowing your child to pursue a career as a YouTuber. It’s also important to have an open and honest conversation with your child about the potential risks and to make a decision that is best for your family.

Is it Safe for Kids to Be on YouTube?

YouTube can be a safe platform for children to use when the right privacy settings, parental controls, and supervision are in place. However, parents must be vigilant in monitoring their child’s activity and maintaining open communication. There are many parental control apps available that can help parents keep their children safe while using YouTube.

These apps offer a range of features such as content filtering, time limits, and activity monitoring to help parents monitor their child’s online activity and ensure their safety. However, it is important to note that these apps are not foolproof, and parents should also constantly communicate with their children about their online activities. Regularly discussing what their children are watching and who they are interacting with and ensuring that their children understand the risks of online interactions can go a long way in keeping them safe.

What Do I Do if My Child Wants to Be a YouTuber?


According to Earth Web, it is completely normal for children to express an interest in becoming a YouTuber, with a staggering 75% of kids between the ages of 6 and 17 expressing this desire. Furthermore, 50% of millennials have reported that their favorite YouTubers have inspired them to make positive life changes.

While it is understandable for parents to have concerns about the amount of screen time and the potential dangers associated with new technology, it is important to remember that having an open and honest conversation with your child can be a valuable learning experience for both parents and children. Instead of simply saying no, it is important to explore why your child wants to become a YouTuber and work together to establish healthy habits and guidelines for internet usage. Additionally, some tools can help monitor and manage screen time and protect children from harmful online content.

Ask Questions

Before allowing your child to start the process of becoming a YouTuber, it is important to have a conversation with them to understand their motivations and goals. Ask them why they are interested in creating YouTube content and if it is a serious hobby for them. While many people view YouTubers and influencers as celebrities, it is important to remember that not all children are interested in making money or becoming famous.

One of the main reasons children want to create YouTube content is to express their creativity and pursue their passions. To better understand your child’s ideas and aspirations, consider asking them the following questions:

  • What are their favorite YouTubers, and why?
  • What kind of videos are they interested in creating?
  • How much time do they plan on dedicating to their YouTube channel?

By asking these questions, you can better understand your child’s goals and desires and work together to set guidelines for internet usage and content creation healthily and safely.

Discuss the Risks


Before proceeding with the idea of becoming a YouTuber, it is crucial to have an open and honest conversation with your child about the potential risks of posting content online. In addition, it is important to discuss the possible negative consequences that can come with creating and sharing content on the internet. Together, you and your child should evaluate if they are emotionally and mentally mature enough to handle the responsibilities and potential challenges that come with creating a YouTube channel.

  • Inappropriate Content: One of the main concerns for parents, when children want to create their own YouTube account is the potential for them to come across inappropriate or explicit content, such as swear words, sexual behavior, violence, and more. To address this concern, parents can use parental control apps to monitor their child’s online activity and help keep them safe.
  • Cyber Bullying: The comment section on any social media platform can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying, with users posting inappropriate words, sexual content, and hateful comments that can harm a child’s emotional and mental well-being. To mitigate this risk, it may be worth disabling comments on your child’s videos until they are emotionally ready to handle the potential negative comments.
  • Misinformation: Children who create videos on YouTube are also likely to consume content on the platform.

    The internet is full of misinformation, fake news, and dangerous or harmful viral challenges that can be detrimental to a child’s well-being. Parents should be aware of this, monitor the content their child is watching, and have an open dialogue about the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking.

Make a Plan

Creating a plan for your child’s YouTube journey can prepare your family for the challenges and responsibilities that come with it and give your child a realistic understanding of the amount of work that goes into being a YouTuber. Consider discussing with your child what type of content they are interested in creating, whether it be video game content, makeup tutorials, or a family vlog.

To prevent conflicts and misunderstandings in the future, it is also important to establish clear guidelines for the type of content that is not allowed and to set boundaries for the frequency and amount of time dedicated to creating content. Parents and children can work together to create a safe, healthy, and enjoyable experience with YouTube by having these conversations and making a plan.

Can Kids Make Their Own Vlogs/ YouTube Videos?


There are a few limitations to consider when it comes to children creating their own YouTube accounts. The main obstacle is age – in order to create an account, users must be at least 13 years old, and parental permission is required for all children up to 17 years old. However, it’s worth noting that this age requirement may vary depending on the country.

For children under 13, parents will need to create a Google account for them using a computer, smartphone, or Family Link app and enable parental controls. Parents can also use the YouTube Kids app, which has stricter filters to ensure that all content is age-appropriate for children.

How to Help My Child Make Vlogs/YouTube Videos

Creating high-quality content for a child’s YouTube channel can be a challenging and time-consuming task. For example, a 10-minute video can require several hours of filming and editing. To help kids with this process, they may need assistance acquiring the necessary filming equipment, such as a cell phone or video camera, and learning how to use video editing software.